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SQUEEK GOES ADVENTURING is a beautifully illustrated picture book that shares the adventures of a little mouse named Squeek. This young mouse has an insatiable curiosity about the world around him. Through a series of thrilling adventures tied to the four elements of fire, water, air, and earth, Squeek begins the journey of self discovery. With the support of his parents and friends, Squeek is able to learn about life within each predicament he finds himself. By the end of the story, Squeek has grown in his sense of self and his ability to navigate life.

This is the perfect book to read aloud to children. The illustrations introduce the children to this mischievous little mouse. They immediately love him and cheer him on through each spellbinding mishap. They'll breathe a big sigh of relief at the end of this rollercoaster ride of a story.

SQUEEK is one of those special stories that speaks to us on several levels, from a fun adventure story to steps describing child development to a journey leading to higher truths.  Check out the Thoughts page for more in-depth exploration of the story.

"Fun, adventurous story with great illustrations that bring the story to life!  Kids love the animals and bright colors.  Will be one the children ask for time and time again."  Monique

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